
Maximising Student Potential

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Here you’ll find my rants, raves, provocations and research about teaching, education and the educational landscape. This site contains my personal views about education and teaching.

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The Paradox of Standardisation in Australian Education: A Step Back from Progress

In an era when Australia ambitiously strides towards professionalising and valuing its teaching workforce, paradoxically, it tethers these professionals to a framework of stringent standardisation. This juxtaposition not only stunts educational progress but also undermines the very essence of the professionalisation that was painstakingly championed. As an advocate for unorthodox thinking in the realms of…

A Cynic’s Change of Heart: The Teacher Who Taught Hope

A brief interlude into the teacher/academic humdrum that usually occupies this space on the blog. I was inspired last week – something that doesn’t happen too often, and I wanted to share the story. As someone who’s navigated the labyrinth of educational theory and the oftentimes disillusioning world of teaching practices, I’ve grown a bit,…

Teaching Strategies Part 5: The Challenge of Translating Educational Research into Effective Teaching Practice

The endeavour to bridge the gap between educational research and teaching practice represents a significant challenge within the academic and pedagogical communities. While there is much discourse about the necessity of research into practice, the truth is that teachers barely have enough time to do their job, never mind reading reams of indecipherable journal articles…

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